Activity 2.1.5 Html basics

Hello it is me Alex Solis. I have not done much while staying at home except for school, playing xbox, and working on getting my 30 hours of driving in. Because I havent done much I will just say what I want to do over the summer if the corona pandemic ends by them. Over the summer I will have my birthday in July. I would want to invite my friends Chevy and Braeden to go with me to this great bowling place in tyler called Times Square Grand Slam. This place is great they have a movie theater, a bowling allly, a ropes course, a vr thing, an arcade, laser tag, nice booths, good food, and no bumper bowling. Maybe a week or two after my birthday I will be able to go and take my driving test to get my license. One last thing I would want to do over the summer is to get a summer job so that I can both add to my savings account and create a personal account and get a card. Truley being honest I hope this corona pandemic doesn't go on for as long as people are saying it is going to. I really want to get my first job and go back to school being the way it was.

I am currently unsure of my favorite food. My favorite food has been chicken fried steak for as long as I can remember. But now I am split between chicken fried steak, or a normal steak like a filet or medium rare ribeye.

Number name how common cause
1 mad very common having nothing new to talk about or do with family too much change
2 sad pretty common everything changing, not being able to see friends and family, missing easter, everything being online
3 bored common running out of things to do in quarantine
4 happy less common being more mad, running out of things to do, and the thought of possible plans for the summer being ruined make this less common. Seeing friends and teachers and distant family does make me happy.